inspire connect achieve social media heartbeatAt the core of my personal as well as our agency, Marketing Nutz's brand architecture are these three words… inspire – connect – achieve. It has been and is the foundation for how I do business and live life.

If you are a client, student of my training courses, have heard me speak, or reader of my blog, tweets, Facebook page, or talk with me in real life you have seen, heard or read these three words probably too many times.

Why do I keep repeating them? Why does it feel as I am preaching them? Because I am!

Every day I get new people who come to me who have been a member of our community, reading my blog for years, have been a student in our classes and they say “Pam, I finally get it!”

You know that feeling. It's that moment when a light turns on and you remember all the times someone told you something. You finally understand why they said whatever it was they said so many times.

This post is meant to be simple. You are not going to get a long list of to do's or tips and tricks. I'm not going to give you a long opinionated post. It is purposefully simple as I want you to remember it.

social media inspire audiencesThe heartbeat of social media is people.

Social media is about people. Business is about people. Life is about people. Yes the technology enables us to communicate, share information, learn, engage and so much more. However, at the core it is all about people. Social media, social business, business in general would not exist without people.

  • It is not technology you need to inspire to increase your Facebook edgerank so your Facebook posts will appear in your fans news feed.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to click on a link in your tweet.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to retweet your blog post.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to add you to a favorites list.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to read your blog every day.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to follow you on Pinterest.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to connect with you on LinkedIn.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to engage with you on Instagram.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to pass you referrals.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to become a loyal brand advocate.
  • It's not technology that inspires people to scream great things about your brand from a mountain top, Facebook news feed or tweet stream.

Yes, technology may be enabling them to take the action. However, at the core of the desire to take the action is a human being who was inspired, who connected with you. You will help or have already helped them achieve something.

Inspire – Connect – Achieve

If you remember anything from this post, please remember this:

Inspire your audiences to connect with you with a goal of helping them achieve their goals. You will then achieve your goals organically and by default. Inspire – Connect – Achieve!  ~Pam Moore

Don't make it more difficult than it needs to be. Help your audience, partners, clients, colleagues and community solve problems. Help them achieve their goals. Remember and embrace this and you have half the battle won and will leap frog your competition who is trying to find tricks, tips and secret magic short cuts to social business success.

You can never go wrong by investing in communities and the human beings within them.

Inspire Them! 

Heartbeat of Social Media Series

heartbeat of social mediaThis blog post is part of a series titled “The Heartbeat of Social Media“. It includes a deep look at how communities work, what people are doing within them and how businesses can better understand how they can fit in, provide value and derive benefit as both a business as well as individual people.

Subscribe to the series for updates and access to special videos, webinar training and more. Would love to hear your input and have you participate in discussions and debates as we challenge each other to be part of what makes the social network heartbeat healthy and alive!