It's not news that your customers, online audience and social network communities are bombarded by information. There is not a lack of blogs to read, Google Hangouts to engage in, tweet chats to tweet into, podcasts to listen to or videos to watch.
How do you stand out from the crowd? How do you rise above the noise?
One of the best ways to stand out from the crowd of never ending tweets and mundane advice is to bring together some of the greatest minds in your industry or niche to co-create content that is unique, relevant, timely and of value to your ideal target customer, audience and community.
Co-created content is not just a buzzword or the next new shiny object that will solve your business problems. It's also not something you should run off and implement as a Random Act of Marketing (RAM) disconnected from your overall business goals, objectives and strategic marketing plan.
If developed and implemented correctly co-created content can help you drive efficiencies in developing and taking to market content that will help you ignite relationships, inspire your audience to connect with you organically and achieve your business goals.
Would you like to better understand how to develop co-created content working with influencers and internal employee advocates to zoom real business results? If yes, then this episode of today's Social Zoom Factor podcast is for you.
In this 25 minute podcast you will learn:
- What is the definition of co-created content
- Business benefits of co-created content
- How to develop a co-creation content marketing plan
- How to work with influencers to create co-created content
- How to engage employees and external influencers together to create co-created content
- Finding the sweet spot for co-created content when working with external influencers and internal employee evangelists
This is the second in a series of conversations that will cover influencer marketing in detail. Take a listen and be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud!
Supporting Resources:
- Audience Analysis Worksheet
- Influencer Marketing in a Nutshell (episode 96)
- Content Marketing in a Nutshell (episode 50)
- How to Develop a Content Marketing Framework and Plan (episode 7)
- Social media and Influencer Marketing Launch Strategies (episode 35)
- Why Employee Advocacy Requires C-Suite and Employee Skin in the Game (episode 70)
- The Social Employee: Ignite Your Employee to Brand Advocates
- 8 Steps to Develop a Social Business Plan (white paper)
- How to Build a Social Business Strategy & Plan (episode 14)
- How to Build a Social Business Strategy & Plan (white paper)
- Brand Humanization in a Nutshell (episode 5)
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