Maximize to Monetize!Do you wish the magical content marketing fairy would fly into your office and help you create the most amazing content that energizes and inspires your social communities, audience, customers, stakeholders and friends?

Does it seem there is simply not enough time to create relevant and helpful content that your audience will devour?

If this is you, today is your lucky day as this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast is loaded with tips to help you get a running start again by maximizing the use of content and resources you already have.

Leveraging what you already have will help you maximize to monetize the investment you have already made to date in content marketing and other creative and social marketing assets!

It's not always about re-inventing the wheel but instead finishing what you have already started and learning how to integrate your efforts across mediums, audiences, organizations, programs,  teams and more!

Episode Highlights: 

  • How to leverage content you have already created
  • How to maximize to monetize prior investments in content marketing assets
  • How to complete a quick content marketing asset inventory analysis
  • How to prioritize future investments with data and analysis
  • Aligning content to the needs of your audience


Resources mentioned: 

social zoom factor podcast

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